Tarot Cards

Psychic Readings by Anne | Arlington,VA | Tarot Cards

There are people who do not take readings from the tarot cards seriously. Some think it is a trick or gimmick performed by a person in a robe in order to dupe naïve people of their hard-earned cash. It is not. Tarot cards are a key part of any psychic’s arsenal. They are not used to con people but rather give them insight to their future based on happenings from the past and present. Residents from the Arlington, VA community and Staten Island, NY seeking communication with their inner selves are encouraged to visit Anne.

When it comes to tarot cards there are two different types of reading that Anne performs.

• The Open Reading—Open tarot card readings emphasize the larger aspects of a person’s life. They are helpful mostly to people who are entering a new phase in their life, such as graduating college and stepping into the real world, getting married, or having a child. Open readings are meant to give guidance where it is needed.

• The Question Reading—Question readings are the second type of tarot card reading and they address specific questions. The intention of a question reading is not to procure a “yes” or a “no” answer but rather to inform the person that the reading is being done for. Questions are never very detailed and Anne’s demeanor is neutral, positive, or a combination of the two.

Where the cards are concerned, there are major and minor Arcana. These are the two types of tarot cards in a deck and they are split into four distinct suits, each suit has cards for numbers 1 – 10. Major Arcana cards are stand-alone and have meanings unique to unto themselves. Some of the cards are Strength, the Hanged Man, the Devil, Temperance, Death, and the Fool.

Do not walk through life without first seeking guidance. To see what the cards have in store, make an appointment and then drop on by Psychic Readings by Anne.

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